Avril Lavigne inducted into Order of Canada

Avril Lavigne, seen here in a photo from 1994 before she was a worldwide super star. Napanee Beaver archives.

Some 22 years after her debut album, Napanee’s Avril Lavigne’s influence on Canadian culture continues to reign strong.

That was made evident on Thursday when Lavigne headlined a list of 83 people who were named to the Order of Canada.

“The Order of Canada recognizes individuals who have made positive and lasting impacts on communities here in Canada or who have brought honour to our country abroad,” Gov.-Gen. Mary Simon said in a statement. “Congratulations to the new appointees and thank you to the nominators who cast a spotlight on their achievement, purpose and exceptional talent.”

Considered one of the country’s highest honours, the Order of Canada recognizes people across all sectors of society who have made ‘extraordinary and sustained contributions to’ Canada.

“Avril Lavigne is one of the best-selling female artists of all time,” reads a release from Simon, which includes the accomplishments of all 83 recipients. “With over 50 million albums sold worldwide, she paved the way for female-driven punk-rock music and continues to do so today. Generous with her time, she supports individuals with serious illnesses, disabilities and Lyme disease through the Avril Lavigne Foundation. A global ambassador for Special Olympics, she promotes inclusion and helps end the stigma around intellectual disabilities.”

Lavigne grew up in Napanee and spent much of her childhood and teen years there before departing for New York to work on her debut album Let Go, which was released in 2002. Late last year she was inducted into the Canadian Walk of Fame and has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Her present place of residency is listed as Malibu, Cali.

Lavigne is currently in the midst of her Greatest Hits Tour, which will include stops in Toronto and Montreal, Aug. 12, 15 and 16.

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