Council notes: Rick Revelle named Greater Napanee’s Senior of the Year

Rick Revelle (left) accepts the Senior of the Year award from Greater Napanee mayor Terry Richardson. Photo by Town of Greater Napanee.

Adam Prudhomme

As part of their Senior Month celebrations, Greater Napanee council opened its June 11 meeting with the presentation of its Senior of the Year Award.

Local author and storyteller Rick Revelle was called to the front of the council chambers to accept this year’s award.

“The Senior of the Year Award gives each municipality in Ontario the opportunity to honour one outstanding local Ontarian who after the age of 65 has enriched the social, cultural and civic life of their community,” explained mayor Terry Richardson.

He then went on to list some of the reasons that made Revelle a worthy recipient.

“After completing one career and retiring in 2002, Rick began his career as an author, getting published at the age of 60 which is really quite amazing,” said Richardson. “Rick has volunteered at Cultural Days with the town and sharing stories with children and adults. He has been a founder of the Literacy Circle to encourage writers from around the area to navigate the industry and share his journey as an author. In the education system he has visited thousands of classes with all three local school boards as well as others across Ontario and Manitoba.”

Revelle noted his most recent novel, The Elk Whistle Warrior Society, is in talks to be made into a television series. Along with writing, he also visits schools across the county to share stories of the Algonquin tradition.

-Following the award presentation, council got busy doing awarding of a different kind. That is, contracts to fill a variety of needs.

Up first was approving a $46,731 operation budget and a $4,293 one time fee to upgrade the town’s cyber security. The town approved an addition $4,500 per month to continue hosting the town servers with HostedBizz. The costs are to be provided from reserves at year end if costs cannot be accommodated through the operating budget.

The upgrade comes following a cyber attack earlier this year that led to a disruption to the town’s online services.

“As everybody will do the math, this is basically $100,000, but you know what, this security could save us a lot more down the road,” said councillor Mike Schenk.

-Also receiving an upgrade in software will be the A.L. Dafoe and Sandhurst Shores Drinking Water Systems, which will come at a cost of $72,800.

-Council also approved an RFP of $176,780 to EVB Engineering to develop a Utilities Master Plan Proposal, which will help in future land use planning.

-Greater Napanee’s maintenance garage will be getting a $17,495 camera security package.

Currently under construction at the site of the Napanee Water Pollution Control Plant at 300 Water St., the security system represents a blend of a few different options. When first seeking security camera options, the town was presented with a cost of $55,000, which was much higher than expected. They were then able to repurpose some other cameras and arrive at a more cost effective solution.

-Mayor Richardson was appointed to serve as the council rep on the Lennox and Addington OPP Detachment Board.

-Council will next meet for a regular session on June 25.

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