June is strawberry season

Poppy Bruder picks a bright red strawberry from the field during the 2021 season at Paulridge Berry Farms. Photo by Adam Prudhomme.

Dawn Black
Deliciously Dawn

June… Weddings, the start of summer, end of the school year, and of course strawberries!

Who doesn’t love the bright red, firm and sweet taste of local strawberries. Every year I wait in anticipation of strawberry season. Picking strawberries at Paulridge Farms is a yearly tradition I have participated in for over 50 years ( I think I just dated myself).

These tasty little fruits are full of antioxidants, vitamins and are low in calories. Boasting 49 calories per cup and 3.5 grams of fibre.

Strawberries are one of the most versatile foods. They can be used in salads, jams, pies, cakes, muffins, breads, and many more dishes, or on their own. There are many recipes using strawberries and you probably have a few favourites of your own, however here are two less used and delicious recipes to add to your repertoire.

Strawberry Romanoff is easy, no bake and luscious. It feels and tastes fancy but is refreshing, simple to make and perfect for summer parties.

Recipe: Strawberry Romanoff

1 1/2 pounds or 2 pints of fresh strawberries hulled  and cut into quarters

4 tablespoons of white sugar

4 tablespoons of Grand Marnier ( an orange flavoured liqueur found in most LCBO stores

1 cup of whipping cream

1/4 cup of icing sugar

1/4 cup of sour cream

In a medium bowl combine the hulled and 1/4 d  strawberries, 4 tablespoons of sugar and 4 tablespoons of the Grand Marnier. Stir to combine, cover and refrigerate at least one hour and up to two hours stirring once or twice.

Just before serving, in a large mixing bowl, combine the cold whipping cream, 1/4 cup of icing sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. Using a spatula fold in 1/4 cup of sour cream just until when blended.

To serve, stir strawberries and divide between six dessert dishes, spoon whipped cream over the strawberries and garnish with a sprig of fresh mint.

Who doesn’t love frozen treats?

 Strawberry Sherbet is an old fashioned recipe that is light and will hit the spot and cool you off after a great dinner.

Recipe: Strawberry Sherbet

1 Quart of strawberries, cleaned

1 1/2 cups sugar

1 cup of water

1/2 a lemon

Mash the berries through a sieve. Make a simple syrup by bringing the sugar and water to a boil stirring to dissolve the sugar. Let cool. Add the juice of the half lemon, add the berries, stirring well and freeze.

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